Tess's Adventures in Multimedia

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The Most Important Class I Attended in My First Two Years


I’ve always thought of pursuing a degree in magazine editing. I’m a grammar nerd and love pitching stories. Talked to students about the strengths of their stories and how they could improve them during lab has validated that passion.


However, the woman who representing the magazine portion of lecture got me thinking of a sequence that never entered my mind: magazine publication. I’m not a business person, so the thought of management never interested me. Like any other journalism major, I’m terrified of math!


 But, it was the capstone that I fell head over heals in love with. Students in publishing get to create their own magazine and present it to Meredith Corporation. Bam. Way to get my attention! Ever since last year, it has been my dream job to work at Better Homes and Gardens or another Meredith publication. What’s even more perfect is that it’s based in my hometown (a block from my high school, actually).


Designing my own magazine now seems like the perfect thing for me to pursue. So, now I’m in conflict of what magazine emphasis I want to enter. Hopefully after a chit chat with my advisor and some soul searching, I’ll be able to make up my mind.


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This entry was posted on October 31, 2012 by .